Confined Space


Question Answer Notes
According to a NIOSH study, what group suffers more fatalities in confined spaces than any other? Rescuers 60% of all confined space fatalities are would-be rescuers.
In a permit-required confined space, gas monitoring should be done in what order? A. Toxic, flammable, oxygen; B. Oxygen, flammable, toxic; C. Oxygen, toxic, flammable; D. Flammable, oxygen, toxic B. Oxygen, flammable, toxic The mnemonic “Test OFTen” is used to help remember the proper order.
Approximately how many confined space fatalities are would-be rescuers? A. 40%; B. 50%; C. 60%; D. 20% C. 60%  
Name one possible characteristic of a permit-required confined space. Potential or current hazardous atmosphere; potential for engulfment; unique internal configuration; other–provide example  
Which is the leading cause of death in confined spaces? A. Heart attack; B. Asphyxiation; C. Falls; D. Drowning B. Asphyxiation  
What three criteria define a confined space? Large enough for a miner to enter; limited or restricted means of ingress and egress; not designed for continuous human occupancy  
Which of these is not an aspect of a confined space? A. It is not designed for continuous human occupancy; B. It has multiple entrances and exits for quick escape; C. It is large enough for a worker to enter and perform work; D. It has limited access and egress B. It has multiple entrances and exits for quick escape  
Name one thing you must do before entering a confined space. Prepare a permit; isolate; conduct monitoring; ventilate; use PPE  
True or false: Confined entry permits do not need to be posted at the work area. False  
True or false: One enters a confined space when any part of their body has broken the space’s plane. True  
True or false: Your supervisor tells you to clean out a silo. He hands you a respirator and tells you to get started, and you are good to do so. False Are you cleared to wear a respirator? Have they made sure the confined space is safe? Are you working alone? Is there a permit required? Always ask questions to make sure you understand what you are doing.
What is the minimum percentage of oxygen required to be safe inside a confined space? A. 23%; B. 12%; C. 19.5% c. 19.5%