Mining Fatalities and Mine Accident Prevention

Fatal mine accidents, although unfortunate for all, can serve as a tool to train miners in hazard recognition, accident causes, and accident prevention. A cross section of fatal accidents from both coal and metal/non-metal were chosen to demonstrate various hazards that resulted in fatalities. These fatal accidents were expanded into training presentations using a variety of methods to encourage participation and thoughts from students. Some methods incorporated include the use of:

  • Handouts and small group interaction to identify potential hazards, fatal mistakes and causal factors.
  • MSHA “Target Program” videos and photos allowing participants to understand MSHA priorities and “Best Practices”.
  • A presentation that has participants identify unsafe conditions, unsafe procedures and root causes (separate from the MSHA root cause).
  • Embedded videos and presentations using limited information to stimulate thought concerning accident causes.

All presentations encourage individual participation and going beyond MSHA conclusions for accident causation.  Please refer to the table below to view mining fatality presentations:

PresentationCommodityFatality TypeMSHA Final InvestigationWorksheets
Chemical Lime Co., Brierfield QuarryCrushed StoneRun Over by EquipmentChemical Lime Co., Brierfield Quarry report
J&P Equipment, Thunder Ridge MineCoalCO PoisoningJ&P Equipment, Thunder Ridge Mine report
Lone Mountain Processing, Huff Creek #1 MineUnderground CoalFall of RibLone Mountain Processing, Huff Creek #1 Mine report
M-Class Mining, MC #1 MineCoal-Surface AreaCaught Between ...M-Class Mining, MC #1 report
Signal Peak Energy,
Bull Mountain Mine #1
Coal-Surface AreaCrushed by EquipmentSignal Peak Energy,
Bull Mountain Mine #1 report
McElroy Coal Company, McElroy MineCoal-Surface AreaCaught Between EquipmentOut of MSHA jurisdictionToolbox Safety
Reed Creek Minerals, Town Creek MineSurface CoalCrushedReed Creek Minerals, Town Creek Mine report-Potential Hazards
-Fatal Mistakes
-Casual Factors
Martin Marietta Materials, Snyder MineSurface Metal / NonmetalArc FlashMartin Marietta Materials, Snyder Mine report
Newmont USA,
Genesis Mine
Surface Metal / NonmetalRun Over by EquipmentNewmont USA,
Genesis Mine report
Unimin Minnesota Corp., Ottawa Pit and PlantCrushed StoneFall from ElevationUnimin Minnesota Corp., Ottawa Pit and Plant report
Lone Mountain Processing, Clover Fork No. 1Underground CoalFall of RibLone Mountain Processing, Clover Fork No. 1 report
White County Coal, Pattiki MineUnderground CoalPowered HaulageWhite County Coal, Pattiki Mine report
Klondex Midas Operations, Midas MineUnderground GoldMachineryKlondex Midas Operations, Midas Mine report
Hunter Sand & Gravel, Dredge IVSand and GravelSlip or Fall of PersonHunter Sand & Gravel, Dredge IV report
North American Salt, Blanche MineUnderground SaltFall of RoofNorth American Salt,
Blanche Mine report
ST&T Leasing, No. 11 Allen Branch Job, Apex Energy Inc.Surface CoalCrushedST&T Leasing, No. 11 Allen Branch Job, Apex Energy Inc. reportCasual Factors
Hanson Aggregates Midwest, Dry Fork Sand & GravelSand and GravelDrowningHanson Aggregates Midwest, Dry Fork Sand & Gravel report-Casual Factors
-Fatal Mistakes
Luck Stone Corp., Leesburg PlantSurface Metal / NonmetalFalling MaterialLuck Stone Corp., Leesburg PlantPotential Hazards
Kane's Quarry, Dimension SandstoneSurface NonmetalMachineryKane's Quarry, Dimension Sandstone reportFatal Mistakes
Hycroft Resources and Development, Hycroft MineSurface MetalPowered HaulageHycroft Resources and Development, Hycroft Mine reportFatal Mistakes
Staker & Parsons Companies, Beck Street SouthSand and GravelPowered HaulageStaker & Parsons Companies, Beck Street South report-Fatal Mistakes
-Casual Factors
Freeport-McMoRan, Safford MineSurface Metal/NonmetalElectricalFreeport-McMoRan, Safford Mine report-Fatal Mistakes
-Casual Factors
Martin Marietta Materials, Plant 862Crushed StoneExplosives / Breaking AgentsMartin Marietta Materials, Plant 862 report-Fatal Mistakes
-Casual Factors
Green Brothers Gravel Company, Harmony Mine & MillSand and GravelInundationGreen Brothers Gravel Company, Harmony Mine & Mill report-Fatal Mistakes
-Casual Factors
Lonestar Prospects Ltd., Vista SandSandFall of MaterialLonestar Prospects Ltd., Vista Sand-Fatal Mistakes
-Casual Factors